Because I’m musing some things, and wondering some things, today, a discussion post! Here, intrepid readers, is your topic:

What story, or stories, do you desperately hope you never have to see, hear or read about, ever again?

It could be local, national, or international. It could be frivolous or serious, sad or scary. All that matters is that it is a story in the media that makes the little ball of perpetual annoyance in your chest (admit it, we all have one) throb mercilessly whenever you see it in the headlines, yet again.

It would be improper for me to give mine that are local-like, though I’d like to hear yours.

My vote for international story I’m really, truly, totally and completely done with: birthers. Why are they still happening? What satirical alternate dimension did they come from? And when will they be going back?

  • Andreas Goldfuss

    Story I’d like to see go away: Charlie Sheen

  • Christian


    Election stories about lawn signs being moved / stolen / destroyed. The first story was likely done in 1867 and went something like this:

    “The Liberal / Conservative candidate is accusing their opponent of destroying their election signs. The Liberal / Conservative candidate says it had nothing to do with their campaign but note that their signs have gone missing as well”

    On CBC the other night, guess what ! The Liberal candidate is accusing their opponent of destroying their election signs. The Conservative candidate says it had nothing to do with their campaign but say that their sings have gone missing as well.


  • Melissa


    I remember when I got my first election tip about stolen signs. And at first I was all excited about it cause it sounded JUICY.

    Then I got my second tip. And my third. Fourth. Thirtieth… and had it explained to me that it is the natural product of every election, anywhere, for any reason, ever.

  • Captain Brilliant

    A serious local story I wish I never had to hear again: children’s well-being put in jeopardy because of a broken child welfare system. From the management of individual cases to the mandates of child welfare agencies, the entire system is broken. Ive seen it first hand, and I’ve heard about it time and time again in cases like Phoenix Sinclair and Gage Guimond. I wish we could replace those stories with stories where kids were given a shot at a decent life because the system put the children’s best interests first.

    Also anything about Justin Bieber. I’ve heard quite enough about him.